Welcome to Cardiovascular Risk Calculator

Cardiovascular Risk Calculator is an interactive tool to assess and track heart health information and gain a better understanding of their risk of heart disease.Fill in the details correctly, to get accurate results. This calculator is only for assessing heart health risk, consult your doctor for any ongoing medical condition.



           LOW RISK

Based on your inputs, Healthcapita advices:

Try to maintain healthy diet and perform physical activities on a daily basis or 5 days a week at least. Avoid smoking and oily food.


Based on your inputs, Healthcapita advices:

Try to lose weight, eat healthy meals such as green vegetables and fruits. Exercise frequently and avoid smoking. Lessen the consumption of oily food. Consult your family GP for further queries.

          HIGH RISK

Based on your inputs, Healthcapita advices:

Consult your family physician, and check for further care to be taken. Avoid fat foods and smoking. Try to exercise on a frequent basis and lose weight.